How to create a stand-out LinkedIn profile
Regardless of whether you are looking for new employment or not, LinkedIn has become a very powerful tool to become noticed. Sure, you use the platform to add people, network, read interesting articles and engage with other users... But people often forget to update or pay much attention to their profile. BIG MISTAKE.
Don’t worry though, we have you covered! Below we have compiled everything you need to know about how to make a STAND-OUT profile, one that will get you noticed.
Treat your profile like your CV- it needs to ‘sell you’ by showcasing your work experience, skills, key achievements and languages. Don’t forget to inject bucket loads of personality and passion.
Complete your profile- Make sure you have filled out every section with up- to- date information. Luckily LinkedIn measures the ‘completeness’ of your profile and offers suggestions on how to make it stronger.
Write a catchy headline- Your headline doesn’t have to be your job title. Write something that catches people’s attention and sets you apart from everyone else.
Write a summary- keep this to a maximum of 3 paragraphs. This section has multiple purposes and should be tailored to your target audience/market. Make sure this section highlights your experience/key achievements/ key skills and or qualifications. Ensure the tone is warm and welcoming to best convey your personality.
Endorsements- These are a great way to highlight your skills. As you progress or transition in your career make sure to update these to best reflect your current role.
Customise your URL- Ideally you will want linkedin.com/yourname. This will make it easier for you to share your profile and looks neat on the you CV. To do this go to your profile page and click the pen icon. An edit into box will appear, scroll down to Profile URL (under contact info) and click the pen icon again. A new box will appear where you can edit your URL. Once completed click apply to save the changes. Easy peasy!
Choose a professional photo- Make sure you chose a good/clear quality picture which is professional. Take a look into people within your industry or target industry to get inspiration. This photo will speak a thousand words, it’s important that it represents you, make sure you are smiling- this will convey likeability.
Recommendations- Don’t be shy to ask happy clients/customers/colleagues/management to write a glowing recommendation. This will build up your personal brand and reputation within your industry. As a minimum aim to get 1 new recommendation a month.
Contact details- LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform, make sure to include your contact details so that other professionals can get in contact with you.
Add engaging content- Adding interesting articles to your page that are relevant to your industry will help you gain more exposure within your market. Posting regularly will increase your followers!
Connect - Don’t forget to connect with people but don’t go overboard- add people that you either know or that are relevant within your industry. Don’t forget to add yourself to groups, this can do wonders for your job.